Coffee with a Cop:

Coffee with a Cop brings our officers and our community members together over coffee to discuss issues and learn more about each other. The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police officers and the citizens of the community. We are proud to be part of this program and always look forward to hosting these events. Stay tuned to our social media accounts as we post Coffee with a Cop events periodically throughout the year.

Storytime with Officer Jules:

Affectionately known as Officer Jules by the community that he serves, Officer Jules Ferraro is known for his community outreach in our schools.  Officer Jules’ connection with the students is legendary as he will greet the students as they get off the bus, in the classrooms for book readings, police demonstrations, and just daily visits.  Chief Hearn believes in the importance of building a foundation with our youth and you will see our officers at our schools on a daily basis.

T.E.A.M. Program

The Teaching, Educating and Mentoring (T.E.A.M.) School Liaison Program is a school-based “law related” education program taught by specifically trained enforcement officers. T.E.A.M. is a proactive effort to make schools and communities safer, promote responsible citizenship, and encourage positive character traits.

The curriculum at elementary school provides students with a thorough understanding of laws and their responsibility as a citizen to over laws. T.E.A.M. is flexible and adaptable to virtually all classroom settings. Each lesson is approximately 30 to 45 minutes in length and can be used as a stand-alone program for assemblies or special events, or can be instructed in a consecutive sequence. Working together, the police officer, the classroom teacher, and the school official decide when it is most appropriate to incorporate a T.E.A.M. lesson that will assist in classroom instruction.

In 1998, T.E.A.M. was developed by the Michigan Department of State Police, in collaboration with public and private school curriculum experts. The most widely implemented school health education curriculum Michigan Model was used as the basic foundation to create T.E.A.M. School Liaison Programs.

The T.E.A.M. School Liaison Program’s goal is to unite educators, students, and law enforcement to play an integral part in preventing crime. The philosophy is that while working together as a team we can create relationships and be united in protecting children from becoming victims of crime.

Youth Aid Panel

Empowers the community to participate in problem solving by offering alternative programs of restitution and community service, for first-time juvenile offenders in the Newtown Area. Offers the first-time offender a second chance to avoid a criminal record and helps to make the offender understand the seriousness of his/her actions, as well as, the effect their crimes have on their victims and the community as a whole. The Panel meets on an as needed basis, at the Police Building.